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The word keeps coming to me from different places to “expect”. Have faith and expect. Pray in faith and expect an answer. Like my friend always said, “why do you pray for rain but not put up your umbrella?”

I have expectations for my life and I have expectations of how God should answer my prayers but it seldom happens the way I expect. I “expect” God to follow MY plan; but, fortunately, He doesn’t work that way.

Before Paul was the great apostle, teacher, leader, encourager…., he was Saul — a ruthless crusader with a plan to stop the growth of Christianity by persecuting Christians and destroying churches. That is, until God, unexpectedly, revealed himself to Saul on the road to Damascus and his life would forever be changed and transformed. Paul didn’t “expect” God to intervene in his life. It was God though who made him one of the greatest soldiers for Christ—dedicating his entire life to spreading the message of salvation to the entire world. For God to not just forgive a man who had planned and committed to persecute Christians, but to use Him greatly for His purpose is one of the greatest examples of God’s POWER in an unexpected plan for Paul! And, I’m sure the plan far exceeded what Paul could have dreamed of, planned or expected! If, Paul, did not “expect” God to use him but He used him mightily anyway, how much more will He use me who IS expecting God to use me?

A woman with an issue of blood had suffered much. Others could not help her. She heard Jesus was coming and she hoped and expected He got help her. She went to where He was. She had trouble even getting close to Him in the throng following Him. She knew she just needed to touch a tiny piece of Him or His garment. She didn’t just have hope that something might happen IF she could touch him. She “expected” something to happen; that’s why she reached out even though it was a desperate, almost out of reach touch to touch a little piece of the hem of his garment. She “expected” something to happen.

Sometimes I feel like I have prayed in faith for answers but I don’t “expect” an answer. If I trust in my own expectations from God, I become angry when they fail to become reality. If I have faith, I must trust Him in expectation.

There are areas of my life where my expectations have been met. There are places they have been met above and beyond what I expected. And, there are expectations that have yet to be met. Paul’s plan was to ruthlessly kill all Christians. When God stepped in, Paul’s plan changed to boldly speaking out and living for Christ. God did more in Paul’s life than he ever expected. After he changed, he had “expectations” from God. “It is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored.” (Phil. 1:20) I’m sure that the woman who was healed had expectations before and her expectations were above and beyond what she expected. I don’t think she expected God to feel His power leave Him just from touching a tiny piece of His garment-not even touching Him.

There are some things from God I can always expect-His unchanging, unfailing love, unending presence, and unending grace and mercy. If I set my expectations on Him and His promises I will never be disappointed. My prayer is that I begin each day with an expectation of God’s power, presence, provision, protection and direction. “My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him.” Psalm 62:5 Expectancy hopes! Expectancy in my life has faith in God but I release the expectation of what He will do or how it will happen. I will expect great things from God! Expect Him today!

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