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Is Your Boat Sinking?

“Jesus gave a command to depart to the other side.” Matt. 8:18 “Suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves. But He was asleep.” Matt. 8: 24

Have you ever questioned God when you wondered why each time you set sail in faith to where God showed you or told you to go, all of a sudden, the waters of your life turn to angry waves? You’re on your way and wind blows, the waves crash and the boat begins rocking and Jesus goes to sleep!

So, God called me and sent me, and I went so why is He allowing angry waves to cause my boat to rock? And, second, what is God thinking by sleeping in MY storm??

Just because He called me or called you doesn’t mean we won’t have angry waves trying to disrupt our journey. When He calls us, He is not setting us up to fail. He is allowing tough waves, interruptions in life, to cause us to grow stronger and stay standing even when our boat is rocking. When He allows waves to rise up around us, it is an opportunity to grow.

Almost every great person in the Bible, whose stories we study today, thousands of years later, had a major wave or two try to knock them out on their journey. Noah had a storm of an unfathomable amount of rain. His boat rocked long and hard. Sarah’s wave was being pregnant in her 90s. She made it through all 9 months. Moses’s wave pushed him around in the wilderness for 40 years. We all have our angry, overwhelming waves.

God will put us in tough spots, so we will see how amazingly strong and sufficient He is and know we have the same power when He is with us. He will allow the waves to rise up around us but NOT to wipe us out!

Why was Jesus sleeping?? Sleeping during smooth sailing is okay but when the seas are rough?? First, we don’t need to worry. You cannot sink a ship that Jesus is sailing. You may take on water but you won’t sink. You may think you are Captain but He is in control. Even when He’s asleep, He is in control. He knows more about sailing through a storm than any of us. “My ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9

Remember that the biggest key to your victory in any situation is to remember that Jesus is in your boat with you. Even if He were asleep, which He is not, His very presence is the assurance of your safety and protection. And if He’s not worried, you shouldn’t be either. If Jesus is not stressed out about the waves, then why are we?? Sometimes, if we see what we’re up against, and see the enormousness of it; then we begin to sink. That’s when it’s time to close our eyes and pray “Lord, save me.” Turn your eyes upon Jesus, away from the storm. The way we handle the storms in front of us now will determine where we will go in the future.

Jesus doesn’t give us a warning when there is to be a storm in our lives.

If we knew how strong the winds would be and how much the boat would rock, would we even get into the boat? Probably not.

Is there an area in your life that all you feel is wind blowing, all you see is rough waves and your boat is rocking? Does it feel like the calm hand of God has lifted? When you are going through a storm, you can be assured that God is in your midst. The crashing waves and the rocking of the boat will feel like chaos when you’re used to being in control. Do you get that?? You’re no longer in control when the wind blows, the waves pound and your boat rocks. Do you need to let go and let God? If you think Jesus is asleep in your storm, you’re still confused as to who is in control. It’s not your storm. Jesus is asleep during HIS storm. The wind is His and the waves and the rocking of the boat.

God is organized and in control. He will get the outcome He desires and you will make it to the other side but you will need to give up your control and trust God. When you encounter howling wind, and unexpected waves, you must push in closer to Him. ”Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah‬ ‭41‬:‭10‬ The same hands that created the universe and heavens and hold it, are the same hands that will calm your wind and waves and the rocking of your boat.

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