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Uzzah and the Ark-Was God Unfair?

In 2nd Samuel 6, is the story of David and Uzzah moving the ark (the ark of God was Israel’s national treasure, and it was ordinarily kept in the tabernacle.) It was temporarily in the Philistines captivity and kept in Abinadab’s home for 20 years. David saw how God blessed Abinadab and he wanted to bring the Ark to Jerusalem, to ensure God’s blessing on the entire nation. It was David’s idea and David’s plan to move it where David wanted it.

According to Numbers, the ark itself was never to be touched. David and Uzzah knew that. They chose to move it anyway. At David’s instruction, Uzzah was carrying and moving the ark and an ox stumbled and fell. Uzzah reached out to catch the ark and God struck him down. David became angry with God and asked “why did you do that God; he was protecting your ark??” There were already rules about moving the ark. David and Uzzah did not follow them. Even though Uzzah was sincere in his desire to protect it, he had to face the consequences of touching it and he lost his life. David had taken matters into his own hands with the details of moving the ark. He had lost focus and asking God what to do first. He was disobedient.

God‘s action was directed against both of them.

David’s first thought was how out of character that was for God. Then he realized it was his own fault for not being obedient, especially with something so holy. David then took time to repent and consider the right way while they waited on God. He stopped what he was doing because of the sudden tragedy and waited. God had to remind David and the nation that enthusiasm for God must be accompanied by obedience to His laws. The way to holiness is not to do what you think God wants and what you want. The way to holiness is to let God do what He wants in you.

David had moved ahead with something “holy” without God’s permission. I can think of times in my own life where I came up with a plan. I believed with all my heart that it was what God wanted me to do. I headed in that direction only to be stopped. As I read this section of scripture, I heard God (not audibly) tell me “You almost touched the ark, that’s you. You moved ahead with something you thought was holy without my permission. I struck you down (or stopped you) in Texas so you will stop, step back and wait for God to tell you what to do next.”

Enthusiasm about God and what He’s doing next MUST be accompanied by patience and obedience. When we move ahead in anxiousness, but in disobedience, things don’t work out. We must learn to stop, step back and wait for God to give us our next direction. We can’t run ahead in excitement about what we believe He is going to do next. We must desire God’s revelations and directions in our lives but keep a proper perspective to His holiness. When your plans don’t seem to be happening, stop, step back and see what you are not being obedient to or what you’re doing that God never asked you to do.

“God expects His people to possess the scriptural knowledge and appropriate awe to approach rightly what is holy.” He expects us to live as His obedient children. God blesses those who keep Him holy. Our enthusiasm about God must be accompanied by obedience to His laws also. We must be holy in all we do because He is holy.

“So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then. But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. For the scriptures say, ‘You must be holy because I am holy.’” 1 Peter 1:14-16

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